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Live Well Chiropractic Centers of Walnut Creek Brings Relief to Car Accident Victims

Dr. Garrido is creating change for many patients who might otherwise suffer long term repercussions due to car accident injuries.
Dr. Garrido of Live Well Chiropractic Centers in Walnut Creek knows what it means to provide the best healing Chiropractic service and reassurance to recent car accident victims.

The Walnut Creek Chiropractor is providing an Free Report titled, ”The World’s 5 Best Kept Secrets from Recovering from a Car Accident.” In his report, he uncovers the most common hidden injures missed by ER Doctors, simple home treatments to speed up healing dramatically, which type of doctor you need to best take care of your injuries, whether you need in Injury Attorney, and how to make sure your insurance company pays your bills.

What further separates Dr. Garrido as a Walnut Creek Car Accident specialist are 5 significant factors. First, he respects the client’s time as valuable and always starts on time. Second, Dr. Garrido has treated over 1200 chronic back pain cases which are almost three times more than average. Third, he offers a satisfaction guarantee or you get your money back. Fourth, he provides a risk free way to experience his treatment and service prior to committing to any longer term treatment plans. Fifth, he offers a no pressure and affordable way to experience his care and expertise.

The well rounded therapeutic approach Dr. Garrido is providing is helping countless individuals who have suffered from the repercussions of car accidents. Dr. Garrido has extensive experience in correcting bodily damage due to trauma. He understands and knows how to expertly treat the injuries that occur from whiplash traumas and high speed collisions. He is committed to alleviating any long term effects a car accident may have caused.

Dr. Garrido was born in Redwood City California and spent a good part of his youth on a Naval Base in Rota, Spain. He fell in love with soccer at a young age and early on experienced nagging knee injuries that prevented him from pursuing his passion. The younger Dr. Garrido began to suffer seizures and sought multiple forms of treatment that did not work. He later found a good Chiropractic Doctor and later had his spine adjusted. After one adjustment, Dr. Garrido was seizure free and chose to commit his life to Chiropractic. Dr. Garrido sense of purpose stems from his own recovery and with that he brings his best to his patients.

Dr. Johannes Garrido, D.C.
1481 SOS Drive, Suite F.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Ph: 925-289-8970

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